The Musicians performing the Garden King

The Garden King Cast

  • William Ether - vocals, classical guitar, bass, various effects and percussion
  • Mike Hopkins - electronic effects in "Luna Moth"
  • Samosa Phil - Sitar drone on "Luna Moth"
  • Tom Markessinis, Wendy Eggers, Lucas Weiss - Choir vocals for "Luna Moth" and "The Conquerer"
  • Amy Sprenkle - Opera vocals in "A Message from the Moon"
  • Sayumi Takahashi - Gypsy fiddle on "Gamarabi"
  • Mark Stewart - Penny-whistle for "Gamarabi"
  • Frank Basile - Electric guitar on "Clyde and Winter"
  • Phong Nguyen - drums on "Clyde and Winter", "The Lithoseer", and "The Conquerer"
  • Kevin Fernandez - Lead guitar on "The Lithoseer"
  • Bryan Douglas - Keyboards on "The Lithoseer"
  • Frank Jacobson - Harpsichord on "The Conquerer"
  • Nam Nguyen - all artwork for the band / publicity (artwork)

[to "The Garden King"]